Case Books & Resources
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All resources listed on this page are for informational purposes only. HGCC does not endorse or verify any services provided, or information distributed, by third parties.
​Online Info and Coaching
CaseCoach: the world’s leading case interview prep platform, offering a comprehensive video course, math drills, real interview videos, a case study library, and practice features designed to help you excel in case interviews for top consulting firms.
FastMath Crack the Case: mental math prep program.
Firmsconsulting: free articles and podcasts in addition to paid subscription content.
IGotAnOffer: online platform dedicated to the preparation of McKinsey case interviews and the McKinsey PST.
PrepLounge: a great consulting resource that will enable you to practice case interviews via an online platform.
Quickhelp/Quickteach: This platform allows you to connect with interview practice partners in your local area, such as students at MIT, Tufts, BU, BC, and other universities.
Victor Cheng's www.caseinterview.com
Marc Cosentino's www.casequestions.com
Vault.com: Consulting Firm Profiles
Case in Point – Marc Cosentino
Case Interview Secrets: A Former McKinsey Interviewer Reveals How to Get Multiple Job Offers in Consulting – Victor Cheng
How to Get Into the Top Consulting Firms – Tim Darling
Ace the Case
Competitive Advantage – Michael Porter
Vault Guide – available through career offices
Crack the Case – David Ohrvall
WetFeet - may be available through career offices
Career Offices at Harvard
Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences: Mignone Center for Career Success
This is an amazing resource for personalized career advice, classes with prominent alumni, and job preparation sessions. If you are a GSAS/SEAS student, you must join their non-academic listserv and meet the fantastic counselors there. Resume and cover letter help is available here. Also available is a fall career fair filled with many consultants.
There are some excellent resources available for consulting interview preparation on the Consulting, Business Strategy page. There you can find the following resources, and much more:
Case Questions Interactive - CQI is an online, interactive version of Marc Cosentino’s Case in Point, the best-selling book on how to prepare for consulting case interviews. Harvard students have free access to the Case Questions Product Library after a one-time registration with their Harvard email address.
CaseQuestions.com Video Vault - Learn by watching. You have access to fifteen videos, ten case starts, and five full-length interviews with Marc Cosentino, author of Case in Point, the best-selling book on how to prepare for consulting case interviews. Harvard students have free access to the Case Questions Product Library after a one-time registration with their Harvard email address.
FastMath - Access free tools like a Quantitative Assessment Quiz and Mental Math Exercises put together by Matthew Tambia.
Harvard Kennedy School: Office of Career Advancement
This is another great resource for students. If you are an HKS student you should definitely be in contact with this office. In addition to resume services, the HKS Office of Career Advancement offers a consulting-specific career fair that have representatives from many public and private sector consulting firms.
Harvard Law School: Office of Career Services
The Office of Career Services (OCS) is a team of advisors and recruitment professionals who work with current students, alumni, and employers with a focus on private sector careers and judicial clerkships. They work closely with their sister office, the Office of Public Interest Advising (OPIA), which advises on public sector career pursuits.
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: Career Services Office
The Office of Career and Professional Development meets Harvard Chan students where they are on their career journey to empower them in building careers that fulfill the greater mission of advancing public health.
Harvard Graduate School of Education: Career Services Office
The office supports career growth in education through goal setting, persistence, and a positive attitude, offering resources like e-lectures and networking tips. It promotes professional networking skills, provides opportunities for involvement in HGSE-sponsored activities, and encourages contributing expertise to build a global community of education change-makers.
Harvard FAS-affiliated Postdoctoral Fellows: Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Often the OPA sponsors events aimed at those interested in consulting. If you are a post-doc you should be on their listserv.
Harvard Medical School and Affiliated Hospitals/Institutes each operate dedicated offices serving postdoctoral researchers.
Other Student Groups
Harvard Graduate Business Club